
Adminit offers a variety of features to streamline operations and boost profits. These include inventory management, offline mode, detailed reports, coupon and promotion management, cash management, gift cards, appointment scheduling, purchase orders, delivery management, and email marketing and review management.

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Coupon and promotion management

Which allows you to create and print coupons for specific deals or other promotions. You can offer "buy one get one" or "spend $125 get 50% off" deals, for example.

Cash management

With Adminit, you can easily keep track of your cash flow, including cash sales and payments, making it easy to reconcile your books and ensure that your business is running smoothly.

Gift cards

Adminit offers a built-in gift card system, allowing you to easily sell and redeem gift cards for your customers. This feature can be a great way to increase sales and customer loyalty.

Loyalty program

You can create a loyalty program that rewards your customers for buying from you.

Appointment scheduling

With Adminit, you can easily schedule appointments for your customers, whether you're a doctor's office, a hair salon, or any other business that relies on appointments. This feature makes it easy for your customers to book appointments and for you to manage your schedule.

Inventory management system

With adminit, you can easily track your inventory levels, do whole or partial inventory counts, and receive email alerts and warnings when your inventory is running low. This ensures that you always have the right products in stock to meet the demands of your customers.

Inventory forecasting

Uses historical data and sales trends to predict future inventory needs and helps businesses avoid stockouts or overstocking.

Purchase orders

With Adminit, you can easily create and track purchase orders, making it easy to manage your inventory and ensure that you always have the products and supplies you need on hand.

CRM integration

This would allow businesses to manage customer information and interactions from within the Adminit platform, and use that information to inform sales and marketing strategies.

Delivery management

With Adminit, you can easily manage and track deliveries, including shipping and tracking information, making it easy to keep your customers informed and ensure that their orders are delivered on time.

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Employee management

A feature that allows businesses to track employee hours, assign tasks and schedules, and manage payroll and other HR-related tasks.

Customizable sales reports

This would allow businesses to view sales data in a variety of ways, such as by location, product, or employee, and export that data to other software or platforms.

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Advance inventory management

Features such as automatic reordering and real-time inventory tracking can help businesses ensure they always have the right products on hand.

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Multi Language support

This feature would enable businesses to use the software in different languages, making it more accessible to a wider range of customers.

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Multi-store management

Allows businesses with multiple locations to easily manage inventory, sales, and employee information across all stores from one central platform.

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SMS and Email Notifications

Business owners can set up SMS and email notifications for certain events such as low inventory, new sales, new customers.

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Customizable Tax

You can set the tax rate depending on your country, state or city.

User Roles

You can assign different roles and permissions to your employees controlling the access to the software depending on the role you assigned to the user.

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Customizable receipt and invoices

You can customize your receipt or invoices with your logo, address and phone number.

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You can set the currency depending on your country.


A Dashboard that allows you to see all your key metrics in real time.


Adminit's reporting features allow you to gain comprehensive insights into your business operations. With a variety of detailed reports, you can easily track your sales, inventory, customer data, and more. You can also customize your reports to suit your specific needs, so you can get the information that matters most to you. Some of the reports available in Adminit include: Sales reports, Inventory reports, Customer reports, Employee reports.

e-commerce integration

Adminit can easily sync inventory, item images, categories, and tags with popular ecommerce platforms like WooCommerce, making it easy to manage your online store alongside your brick-and-mortar business.

Offline mode

With Adminit, you can process sales even when your internet connection isn't working. This ensures that your business never stops, even in the event of technical difficulties.

Detailed reports

Adminit generates detailed reports that provide a comprehensive insight into your business operations. This allows you to make informed decisions about your business and make changes that will improve your bottom line.

Email marketing and review management

Adminit allows you to easily create and send email marketing campaigns, as well as manage and respond to customer reviews, helping you to build relationships with your customers and increase sales.

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Restaurant module

The Restaurant module of Adminit is a feature that allows users to manage various aspects of a restaurant, such as cashier and table management, sections, orders, products and services, recipes and promotions. The main purpose of the Restaurant module is to simplify and streamline the daily operations of the restaurant and provide tools for efficient management of resources

All these features together, help you to have a full control over your business and make informed decisions. You will have the information at hand and you will be able to order the right products, have a better inventory management, have a better customer relationship and you will have a better perspective of your business.